
Dear Students,

The most important asset of a country to benefit from the opportunities of the globalizing world is its ability to produce knowledge and technology. The only resource that provides this ability is qualified human resources. Countries that cannot create this human resource are exposed to all the negative effects of the globalization process and fall behind in the race.

The most important condition for entering the qualified workforce of the new world is qualified education.

For many people who cannot receive the education required by the age, being unemployed is an inevitable end. In this age where knowledge is the most important production input, new ways of doing business (due to factors such as automation replacing human labor) both reduce the required workforce in number and increase it in quality. In other words, unemployment becomes a structural problem for unqualified labor.

This trend, which started long before us in advanced western countries, has also started to heavily affect our country, which is rapidly adapting to the global world and seeking a place for itself in the upper ranks in this world, and business life has increasingly accepted people with more refined education.

As the management of Cyprus Aydin University, which closely follows this trend, we aim for our graduates to be “exactly the people sought” by companies engaged in trade, industry and technology production.

Aware of the infrastructures that this goal requires, we planned to be with the best in the field for each program we provide education, prioritizing the perfection of our academic staff in order to provide you with the best education, and we have achieved this.

We have ensured that our Workshops, Studios and Laboratories have the qualifications to compete with universities in advanced Western countries with investments that will enable this extraordinary staff to fully transfer their experience and knowledge to our students and to train them to a level that will meet the expectations of the real sector while they are still in school, and that will implement our belief that our students should learn by reinforcing their knowledge with practice and application.

We know that the trend regarding the need for qualified education is not only valid for upper management positions, but has come to demand that all employees, down to the lowest level of the production process, receive a qualified education appropriate to their level. In our Continuous Education Center, which we have brought to life with these experiences, we have started to organize training programs that will contribute to the individual development of people of all ages and education levels.

In addition, considering the realities of the century we are in, being a student is not just a process consisting of lessons and studying, and that physical and personal development are important in addition to professional knowledge and skills, and we have created useful social spaces throughout your education at our university, considering your social life with activities related to your interests, and by establishing our Student Clubs that produce various sports, cultural, artistic and social activities, we have created an environment that supports your participation in the activities of student clubs by providing them with all kinds of opportunities. .

Considering all these, our students are educated and prepared for the future as individuals who are at peace with themselves and their environment, who produce knowledge, solve problems, question and analyze within the unique and successful education model applied at our university, which does not follow the latest technology, but envisages working for new technologies, with high-level academicians and the boutique campus environment offered.

As a result, the future of our countries is directly related to the extent to which today’s youth will receive a “quality” education. We want to see you among us and offer you an educational life full of happy days in order to create better tomorrows regionally and globally with the faculties, colleges, vocational schools, institutes and research centers we have established, the programs we have opened, the academic staff we have formed, the education-training and research environment.

With my love and respect,

Prof. Dr. Yadigar İZMİRLİ
