Clinical Psychology Master’s Degree

General Information

The Clinical Psychology master’s program aims to integrate the clinical, academic and research aspects of education. Students who complete their education will be able to participate in clinical psychology practices with different populations. The program also offers students the opportunity to design and conduct empirical research. An important goal of the program is for clinicians to develop an ethical professional identity that will guide their work as researchers and practitioners. The Clinical Psychology master’s program at Cyprus Aydin University includes both thesis and non-thesis (project) modules. The first year of the program consists of intensive theoretical education. The second year of the program consists of thesis/project studies. Our students who graduate from the Clinical Psychology Master’s Program at Cyprus Aydin University earn the title of “Clinical Psychologist” as written on their diplomas.

Job Opportunities

Expert psychologists who graduate from our program can work as assistants or lecturers in mental health units/departments of private or public hospitals, psychological counseling centers, rehabilitation centers and special education institutions, non-governmental organizations providing clinical services, primary, secondary and higher education institutions employing clinical psychologists, nursing homes, organizations conducting clinical research and psychology departments of universities.

Academic Staff

Title Name SurnameDutyE-mail Address
Prof. Dr. Mehmet ÇAKICIDean[email protected]
Prof. Dr. Ebru TANSELLecturer[email protected]
Doç. Dr. Deniz ERGÜNVice Dean[email protected]
Doç. Dr. Asra BABAYİĞİTLecturer[email protected]